- Please indicate [Papery] [Order Number] and [Phone Number]
- Please send the payment record to us thru FB Messenger or IG Direct
- The parcel will be sent out upon in receipt of your payment
- 備註請註明【Papery】【訂單編號】及【電話號碼】
- 於訂單完成後, 請透過FB Messenger 或 IG Direct發送相關憑證給我們核實
- 確認收款後, 本公司會盡快寄出產品
Use PayMe to scan below QR code
Press the link below to pay (in use of mobile only) Pay by PayMe
以手機直接打開應用程式付費 (只適用在手機打開)
Use WeChat to scan below QR code
Scan QR to pay (in use of desktop only) Open WeChat APP, select “Discover”, tap “Scan” to open up the camera and scan the code Open in a new browser (For Mainland customer, the currency rate is HKD1=RMB1)
使用QR付款 (只適用在電腦打開) 打開WeChat APP, 然後到”發現”, 按”掃描”, 然後掃描QR碼 請在新視窗打開連結 (有關中國客戶, 本公司兌換率為HKD1=RMB1)
Use AlipayHK to scan below QR code
Scan QR to pay (in use of desktop only) Open Alipay APP, tap “Scan” to open up the camera and scan the code Open in a new browser
使用QR付款 (只適用在電腦打開) 打開支付寶 APP, 然後按”掃描”, 然後掃描QR碼 請在新視窗打開連結